Swimming With Stacey

2025 Sessions

Registration Now Open

for Returning Swimmers

(Registration for new swimmers April 1st)

Session 1 | July 14-18th

Session 2 | July 21-25th

Session 3 | July 28-Aug 1st

Session 4 | Aug 4-8th

Each Session = 4 Classes 

Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri (No Class Wednesdays)

Lessons are 30 Minutes

My son Brody will not be coaching with me this year. He will be leaving July 2nd to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in New Zealand for 2 years.

My daughter Camdyn will be coaching with me in all of the GOLDFISH and some of the younger Shared Privates & STARFISH.

I am bringing in a High School Swim Team Athlete to coach additional strokes and flip turns in the DOLPHIN class.


11:30 privates

12:00 shared privates



1:30 shared privates


3:30 shared/privates

4:00 shared privates




6:00 shared privates

6:30 shared/privates


Private Lesson: $160 per session

Shared Private Lesson: $120 per child/per session

Group Lesson: $65 per child/per session

Payment is due by May 15th

I am requesting CASH payments this year and appreciate the added effort this may take. Place in envelope with Swimmers Name/Parent Cell/Session/Amount. I will text a confirmation it was received.

No REFUNDS. No Makeups. If you are unable to make a session, you may “sell your session” to another swimmer in the same Group Level or Shared/Private.

I will have three “Drop Box” locations:

Moses Orthodontics 16600 SE 15th Street Vancouver, WA 98683

The Lake House 3913 NE Ingle Road Vancouver, WA 98682

Rise Fitness 6923 NW Friberg/Strunk Camas, WA 98607

Payment MUST be dropped off by May 15th. If payment is not received, I will open up that spot to swimmers on the WAITLIST.

Waivers must also be filled out by the May 15th date. You will be able to electronically sign and scan or you can print and turn it in with payment.



  • 2:4 ratio

  • Unable to swim unassisted.

  • Doesn’t love to get face wet.

  • Blow bubbles out nose less than 3 secs


  • 1:4 ratio

  • Can swim unassisted short length of pool.

  • Can retrieve dive rings.

  • Blow bubbles out nose over 5 secs


  • 1:4 ratio

  • Can swim long length of pool.

  • Shows some side breathing skills.

  • Hold breath/bubbles 10 secs


  • 1:4 ratio

  • Swims multiple laps with side breathing.

  • We’ll work on stamina and form, introduce flip turns/new strokes with guest instructor. 

Ready to Register?

Connect with me!

– Stacey